• contacto@paseopormexico.com

The web portal PASEOPORMEXICO.COM it is a collector of information from various sources (TERCEROS) to whom we thank in advance for their contribution and enrichment as well as VISITANTES that contribute data and content to it for the growth of this community open to anyone who wants it.

The web portal PASEOPORMEXICO.COM enables the free and responsible entry of information, data, news, knowledge, which are the property of PASEOPORMEXICO.COM, or in your case TERCEROS to whom he VISITANTE you can access through this portal. El VISITANTE assumes responsibility for the use of the Portal, the VISITANTE you will be responsible for providing true and lawful information, for which you will have access for which you will be responsible.

The VISITANTE undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services:

Not to use, to engage in illicit and illegal things, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, terrorist content or content that damages the dignity and respect of others.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM reserves the right to remove any comments, content or infringement that damages the freedom, dignity and respect of other people.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM In case it is not the owner of all intellectual property rights as mentioned above, it is a compiler of information from various sources to which reference is made and thanks are given to them, remembering that the information collected is acquired under the publications and content that is not exclusive to a single source,(SOCIAL NETWORKS, COMMUNITIES, FORUMS, OPEN PORTALS), the purpose of PASEOPORMEXICO.COM it is to share information, polish it and generate a concentrate of truthful and legal information.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM may remove information from the person PARTICULAR or individual who requests it indicating that it offends, bothers or violates their privacy, personal authorship rights, for which I can send an email to contacto@paseopormexico.com by requesting it, or through the contact option WITH YOUR FULL NAME, INCONVENIENCE THAT YOU REPORT AND CONTACT INFORMATION SO THAT WE CAN GET BACK AND MAKE THE CLARIFICATION AND FORMAL APOLOGY IF APPROPRIATE.

The VISITANTE grants to PASEOPORMEXICO.COM the right to share freely with others VISITANTESand/or people in general, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, perform, display and translate, any element or content (in whole or in part) that the VISITANTE send to website.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM it is not a corporate entity, so the availability of the service is not guaranteed because it is in third parties and there are limited resources for it, so it is committed to making a great effort to provide a quality portal that people enjoyment.

Any personal data that the user provides for the use of the services and/or contents of the portal will be subject to the provisions of our data protection policy and the legal regulations on the matter..

El VISTANTE you may observe advertising of contents other than the page, there is no liability whatsoever for any damages or losses caused as a result of your negotiations, conversations and/or contractual or extra-contractual relationships with the advertisers or third parties contacted through the portal, the The information generated will not be used to sell to advertising companies or third parties, they are only resources generated for the self-sustaining of the portal and to provide them with a better and free service.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM will understand that the content published on the web pages of its VISITANTES they are their original creations, unless they express that the content comes from somewhere else, in which case a mention and gratitude must be made.

El VISITANTE acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and/or services offered by the portal PASEOPORMEXICO.COM it will be at your exclusive risk and/or responsibility.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM does not guarantee that the VISITANTES of the portal use its contents and/or services in accordance with the law, morality, public order, or with the conditions of the portal.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM does not guarantee the veracity and accuracy, completeness and/or authenticity of the data provided by the VISITANTES. Consequently, PASEOPORMEXICO.COM nor will be responsible for damages and losses caused to third parties derived from the use by the VISITANTE of the services and contents of the portal, nor of the damages caused by the lack of veracity, accuracy or incorrectness of the identity of the users and of any information that they provide or make accessible to others. VISITANTES.

PASEOPORMEXICO.COM thank you in advance and hope that together we will make a very strong and pleasant community for Mexico and the world.