The architectural Temple of Calvary dedicated to the image of the Lord of Tepalcingo, among other images, is located in the municipal capital.
Xochiltepec is one of the 217 municipalities belonging to the state of Puebla, its name means "on the hill of flowers or on the flowering hill", it has beautiful architectural places such as the Parish Temple with an architectural Curate its construction was in the years 1506 to 1519, the Temple of Calvary, the Municipal Palace, the Civic Plaza, they have several Patron Saint festivals from May 1 to 5 and October 18 to 20 of each year, as well as several religious festivals, for the eco-tourist there is the San Felipe Xochiltepec lagoon, located a few minutes from the municipal seat.
Third Friday of Lent Fair in honor of the Lord of Tepalcingo every year. Patron Saint Festivals: from May 1st to 5th and October 18th to 20th of every year, in addition to various religious festivals. On May 3rd, celebration of the patron saint San Felipe Apóstol, is celebrated with masses, prayers, processions, folk dance, music bands, fireworks, rodeos. On February 5th, anniversary of the Political Constitution, May 5th glorious national holiday The Battle of Puebla, year 1862 General Ignacio Zaragoza defeats the French. On September 15th traditional cry of Independence of Mexico. On September 16th civic parade, municipal authorities; participation of schools with queen and princesses every year.