The cult of the Talking Cross dates back to the 19th century, so on May 3, when this day is celebrated in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, the Mayan people of Quintana Roo relive the historical passage that drove them to free themselves from the oppressor in the Caste War, because the appearance of this emblem drove the Mayans to fight for their liberation, the Cross spoke to them and drove them in combat against the enemy, the headquarters or main Church where the Talking Cross is located is in the sanctuary of Tixcacal Guardia.
Felipe Carrillo Puerto is one of the ten municipalities that make up the state of Quintana Roo, formerly known as Santa Cruz de Bravo and Chan Santa Cruz, has various tourist and cultural attractions such as the Temple of the Talking Cross, in Tihosuco, Tepich and other localities there are vestiges of churches and convents that date back to the colonial era, in Chunyaxche there is an important archaeological zone next to a lagoon of the same name, the coast that has beaches and coral reefs and lagoons such as Noh Bec and Kaná, the Tihosuco Caste War Museum, in the month of May the Santa Cruz is celebrated and in the month of January the Feast of the Three Kings.
In May, the Santa Cruz is celebrated, and in January, the Three Kings festival is celebrated. Traditional dances include the dance of the pig's head, in which one person holds a tray with a cooked pig's head adorned with confetti on his or her head and the other people dance with it. Another dance is La Cinta, in which the dancers weave figures with the multi-colored ribbons that come off the tip of a pole about 10 meters long. Also common are the Yucatecan-influenced jaranas, which are danced at the Vaquerías, popular festivals that are generally held in honor of patron saints.