The General Lázaro Cárdenas Tourist Center in Cintalapa has facilities from which you can access, via a trail of just over 8 km, the natural rock formation called the Arch of Time, identified as one of the highest on the planet with a height of 158 meters, 255 meters long and 35 meters wide. This is a geomorphological formation of more than 80 million years that adds to several scenic beauties of the landscape throughout the course of the La Venta River.
Cintalapa is one of the municipalities of the Mexican state of Chiapas. Its name is of Nahuatl origin and means "water underground." The surname Figueroa is added to it, in homage to the memory of the poet Rodulfo Figueroa Esquinca. Among its attractions are the Los Ocotones Sustainable Reserve, the Central Park (or Candelaria Park), the Sanctuary of the Herons, the Dr. Rodulfo Figueroa Art Gallery, the Cintalapa Art Gallery and the Arco del Tiempo eco-tourist center.
In Cintalapa the most important celebrations are the fair of the Virgin of Candelaria, the feast of Jesus and Good Hope, which is celebrated with traditional dances and rituals.