The Tzocuilac Sanctuary dates back to the 19th century and has a Solomonic Baroque style façade. On the outside, the dome was painted with great grace and personality with light orange tones and dark-toned ornaments and moldings, giving the building personality.
San Pedro Cholula is a municipality in the state of Puebla and is part of the Cholula Valley, which is located in the central-western part of the state of Puebla, it has various architectural structures such as the Archaeological Zone of Cholula, which belonged to the Olmec culture. Ximeca in the middle preclassical period, the former convent of San Gabriel, has a colonial-type architecture in a Gothic-type rococo style, the Chapel of the Remedies, almost all year round the saints of its devotion are celebrated in the neighborhoods with rockets, candles , dances, floral arrangements, masses and processions, they have a House of Culture located in the center of this municipality, where temporary exhibitions of paintings, paintings, etc. are
Almost all year long, the neighborhoods celebrate the saints they are dedicated to with rockets, candles, dances, flower arrangements, masses and processions. The most sumptuous is that of the Virgen de los Remedios, which takes place from September 1 to 8. Currently, the Expo-Fair Cholula is held from October 11 to 26. The cult of the dead: novenas, at the end of the year and on November 1 and 2.