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Tips to prepare your travel suitcase

Paseo por Mexico Tips to prepare your travel suitcase
Gerardo Bermudez Ruiz:
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¿Ready to travel through Mexico? aquí we leave you some Tips to have ready  your travel suitcase and have a very happy vacation

1.- The most important luggage.

One always thinks that the most important thing about luggage is clothing and advice, but we really sometimes forget important things that should be part of our luggage and considered from the beginning.

  • Passport and Visa with at least 6 months validity, it would be very painful to arrive at customs in Mexico and for them to give you a sad surprise, of course if you are a Mexican resident, forget this point.
  • Medications (painkillers, antidiarrheals, allergy medications and skin creams) access to medications is sometimes complicated and it is good to have the essentials for all types of trips.        ;    
  • Use of toilet paper, although it may seem silly, sometimes there are places where you would kill for it and it is not so accessible to have it at the moment,  it is not more than loading one roll at least.
  • Antibacterial Although many places in Mexico have bathrooms and access to toilets, there are many situations where  it will be You will have to improvise by eating in passing places or street stalls, so it wouldn't hurt to have one on hand.

2.- ¿What clothes to pack?

It is clear that the choice of your travel clothes is conditioned by the place you will visit, if it is a beach, something cool, if it is mountainous, something warm, just to give you an example, but even so. Try not to worry when choosing it, try to bring at least one formal change of clothes in case it is required at some point, but if not, try to be as comfortable as possible wearing clothes that do not necessarily need to be ironed.

3.- Hygiene products and more.

We all think that when we are told 4 or 5 star hotels we will find everything we need, but the reality is that we expose ourselves to the worst possible understanding that in Mexico sometimes the stars are not synonymous with quality, to avoid Surprise, try to bring your own creams and toiletries, not all hotels are used to putting hand cream, toothpaste, much less shower caps, if you are not used to use, don't worry, the soap they put in will be enough.

I also recommend that you put these items in an easy-to-open bag to avoid accidents in the suitcase during transportation.

4.- Filling the suitcase.

Maybe it is something that will take you some time, but it is important that you take your time when packing your clothes in order, when it comes to preparing your suitcase any centimeter gained is gold. You can put underwear, socks, and other small items inside your shoes to ensure as much space as possible.

Keep your suitcase fresh with some flavoring or aromatic leaves, organize electronics such as phones, chargers, headphones, money, jewelry or miscellaneous items such as tickets, tickets or travel documents that may be playing In the suitcase with bag it opens easily.

For women, if they transport makeup, it is advisable to use special packaging or, failing that, put a makeup cotton pad between the makeup lids and the makeup containers to avoid accidents.

5.- Carry the essentials.

Try to carry the essentials, you do not need to carry guide books, with the technology that exists today it is very easy to get information online, it is also safe that you do not use all the clothes because you stored too many , remember that if you are one of the people who likes to buy souvenirs it will get complicated later.

6.- Protect your money.

Try to hide your money by keeping it in places like shoe bottoms or hiding places, unfortunately people look for things in the morning to check our luggage when they see it, preferably buy or make a hidden pocket to avoid any scare.

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