The colonial-style Parish Church dates back to the 16th century and was built in honour of the Mother of Mary, Lady Saint Elizabeth, from which the festivities for this Patron Saint begin on 19 November.
Tlanepantla is a municipality in the state of Puebla. Its name is derived from the Nahua voices TLALLI, which means "land" and NEPANTLA, which means "in the middle", together it means "in the middle of the land", it has various historical buildings such as the Parish Church of the 16th century in honor of the Mother of Mary, Lady Santa Isabel, the Municipal Palace, Kiosk and the Bust of Benito Juárez García, its main festival is celebrated on November 19 in honor of the traditional patron saint of the place, Santa Isabel fair that ends on November 21.
On November 19th, the festival is celebrated in honor of the patron saint of the place, Santa Isabel, a traditional fair that ends on November 21st, with rodeo, folk dancing, fireworks, musical bands and native dances; also on November 1st and 2nd, the commemoration of the Day of the Dead, with the raising of offerings and floral arrangements. On November 8th, the traditional celebration of San Miguel Arcángel.