On May 5, 1964, the steam engine, represented by engine No. 212, was dismissed, changing to diesel electric engines for the movement of trains. The locomotive was moved to the roundabout on Avenida 16 de Septiembre. This monument highlights the origin and meaning of the railway city of Apizaco.
Apizaco is a municipality in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, its name comes from the Nahuatl which is interpreted as "place of thin water" or "stream", it has beautiful architectural places such as the Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy dating from the 17th century, it is a church of modest dimensions and extreme simplicity, the Chapel of El Calvario, the Temple of Santa Anita from the 18th century, the Monastery and Church of Santa María Texcalac from the 16th century, haciendas, textile factories and various colonial-style buildings, a fair is held on May 12 in which in addition to religious acts various events are held, it is the most important.
It is celebrated on May 12 with a fair in which, in addition to religious acts, various events are held: folk dances, bullfights, rodeos, among others. It begins on May 1 and for 11 days there are dawn rosaries at 5 a.m., in addition to processions around the basilica and some streets, and masses every day. On May 11 the main events begin: mass at 9 a.m., where first communions are held; at midnight is the midnight mass, by the association of the nocturnal adoration of San Miguel Canoa, Puebla. Afterwards there is a procession with the image through the streets of the city. May 12 is the main day. Confirmations, communions and baptisms are held presided over by the Bishop. In the 12 de Mayo market, a large popular festival is organized in honor of the Virgin of Mercy, they give "las mañanitas", they dance the "Dance of Moors and Christians" and they hold sporting events, etc.