Inside the Parish of the Nativity of Mary in Natívitas, the octagonal dome ends in a lantern and is decorated in white and blue tiles. Inside there is a lowered arch in the choir loft and a choir with balusters. The vault is barrel-shaped with lunettes and an octagonal-based dome. But without a doubt, the most beautiful thing in this temple is its baroque altarpieces, highlighting that of the main altar with gold-plated pillars, combined with interesting paintings by artists of the time.
The Municipality of Natívitas is one of the 60 municipalities in which the Mexican state of Tlaxcala is divided. Its origin was Yancuitlalpan, which means "in the new land", and it has important historical sites such as the Cacaxtla Archaeological Zone, the Xochitécatl Archaeological Zone, the Parish and Temple of Santa María, one of the most beautiful in the state of Tlaxcala, the Virgen de la Natividad Parish, the Convent of Santa María Nativitas, the Temple of San Bernabé, the Temple of Santo Tomás, the Temple of Jesús de los Tres, Caminos, as well as numerous estates such as the Hacienda Segura Michac, the Hacienda Santa Elena, the Hacienda Santa Clara Atoyatenco, the Hacienda Santa Agueda y Dolores, and the Hacienda San Antonio Michac.
The celebration is in honor of Santa María Natividad from September 8 to 10. Santiago Michac: the patron saint El Mayor Apóstol is celebrated from July 23 to 26. San Miguel del Milagro: the festivity is in honor of San Miguel Arcángel, from September 16 to October 4, the main day being September 29; on April 25 and May 8 the apparition of San Miguel Arcángel is also celebrated.