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Paseo por Mexico Inside of the Chapel of the Holy Water Well in Tlaxcala

Inside of the Chapel of the Holy Water Well in Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala



Inside the Chapel of the Pocito de Agua Santa in Tlaxcala, the current chapel, with an octagonal floor plan, was built during the first years of this century, but it retained the old entrance arch. On one of its walls there is a canvas signed by Isauro G. Cervantes in 1913, while on the remaining walls there is a series of murals on biblical episodes related to water, created by the painter and chronicler of the city of Tlaxcala, Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin, and Pedro Avelino.


The Municipality of Tlaxcala is one of the 60 municipalities that make up the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, it is also the capital of the state, its name Tlaxcala comes from the Nahuatl "tlaxcalli" which means tortilla, it has imposing historical places such as the Former Convent of San Francisco, the Cathedral of Tlaxcala, the Posa Chapel, the Parish of San José, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ocotlán, the Chapel of the Pocito de Agua Milagrosa, the Chapel of San Nicolasito, the Former Municipal Palace, the Hidalgo Portal, the Xicohténcatl Theater, the Open Chapel of Tizatlán, the Temple of San Estebanla, Archaeological Zone of Tizatlán and many more attractions, the All Saints Fair and the Festivities to the Virgin of Ocotlán


The All Saints Fair is an event of great importance, not only for the city but for the entire state, and it exhibits the most representative products of agricultural, livestock, commercial and artisanal activities. There is also an exhibition of cultural documents. A board of trustees elected annually by the State Government's Chief Officer is in charge of organizing and directing the event, in addition to the participation of the Ministry of Tourism. The fair is inaugurated by the state governor. There are artisanal, commercial, agro-industrial, gastronomic and musical exhibitions with the participation of various municipalities of the state. Other important events of the fair are the opening parade. The fair takes place in the facilities of the exhibition center. Celebrations to the Virgin of Ocotlán take place during the month of May; the first Monday there is a procession from Ocotlán to Tlaxcala and the third Monday of the same month, from Tlaxcala to Ocotlán.

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