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Paseo por Mexico Tochac Estate in Xaloztoc

Tochac Estate in Xaloztoc

Xaloztoc, Tlaxcala



The construction of this hacienda spanned the 18th and 19th centuries. The main façade is plastered, the walls are made of adobe, tepetate and brick; the roof is flat and made of beams. The architectural spaces it had are: barn, machero, stable, chapel and calpanerías. Its main activity was agricultural. The entire construction is in ruins, only part of the walls are preserved and on the southwest side asbestos roofs were placed on one eighth of the property as a factory.


Xaloztoc is a municipality in the state of Tlaxcala, its name means "in the sand cave", it has beautiful architectural places such as the Temple of San Damián and San Cosme, the construction dates back to the 18th century, the Hacienda de Tochac, the construction of this hacienda spanned the 18th and 19th centuries, the Hacienda La Concepción, the time of its construction was during the 18th and 19th centuries, the main day to celebrate the patron saints San Cosme and San Damián is September 26.


The main day to celebrate the patron saints San Cosme and San Damián is September 26. At one in the morning a procession begins, carrying the images of the patron saints, through the main streets. Between 5 and 6 o'clock they return to the temple. At the same time, in the atrium, the carpet of sawdust and flowers with the images of the patron saints begins to be made. At noon the solemn mass of the Fiesta is celebrated, officiated by the bishop; in it baptisms, confirmations and communions are carried out. On the Saturday following the 26th, if it falls on a weekday, the same festivities are repeated. On Sunday, at 10 o'clock, sporting events are held in the municipal fields. In the afternoon, at 13 o'clock, there are horse races on a track prepared on the outskirts of the town. At night, at 9pm, the fair dance begins, with the participation of modern music groups, and at 10pm the fireworks are set off in the atrium.

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