Inside has a Latin cross plan, covered with a vaulted ceiling and a hemispherical dome. The most important feature is the gilded main altarpiece: it is a true example of the 18th century. The decoration is completed with abundant plant reliefs, among which little faces and bodies of angels with palpable indigenous bodies stand out.
Cuautlancingo is one of the 217 municipalities of the Mexican state of Puebla, it is located in the geoeconomic region of San Pedro Cholula, its name is interpreted as "In the little forest", it has various churches and colonial structures of which the image of San Juan Bautista, sculpted in the 16th century and the Temple of San Juan Bautista, dates back to the 16th century, whose architecture is baroque colonial type and from which the festival of June 24, San Juan Bautista, Patron of the municipality with masses, prayers and games, fireworks; Holy Week is celebrated solemnly.
In the municipal capital, on June 24, the feast of San Juan Bautista, the patron saint of the municipality, is celebrated with masses, prayers, games, and fireworks; Holy Week is celebrated solemnly. Traditions and customs: The dead are commemorated on November 1 and 2, with floral offerings, food, and drinks.