The order arrived in 1530 and began recruiting people to help build the convent and the temple.
Huaquechula is the name of a municipality that is located in the central western part of the State of Puebla, it has traditional Monuments in which the most important ex-convent of Huaquechula stands out, dating back to the 16th century, the ex-convent of Huaquechula is shown in its entirety in its original state, like the Zócalo, Center of Huaquechula, the Mask Stone, the Stone of the Sun and the Moon, the Coyote stone, on May 3, the day of the Holy Cross, it is celebrated with masses, prayers and performance by the music band, one of the main festivals in Huaquechula is the “Day of the Dead” of which its offerings are famous for their size and beauty.
On May 3rd, the day of the Holy Cross, it is celebrated with masses, prayers and a performance by the music band; San Francisco, on October 4th, is the patronal feast. One of the main festivals in Huaquechula is the “Day of the Dead” when the famous offerings or altars of the dead are dedicated to the homes of those who lost a loved one during the year. These altars are made up of several floors (most have three) supported by a structure covered with white confetti. It is also celebrated on May 3rd, the day of the Holy Cross, a unique and original festival where a pilgrimage and reverence are made to the stone cross of the Parish.