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Paseo por Mexico Carnival of Huauchinango

Carnival of Huauchinango

Huauchinango, Puebla



The carnival has its origins in 1754, when the first priest arrived in these lands beginning the evangelization and two years later the festivity. Until 1966 there was no specific costume, the music was violin and guitar. Today, the celebration is accompanied by wind instruments or a band. It was in 1967, when they improved the event and unified the dances, thus beginning a new stage in the Carnival of Huauchinango, celebrating 4 days before Ash Wednesday.


Huatlatlauca is a municipality in the state of Puebla. Its name means “Mountainous place where the water turns red.” It currently has a peculiar historical structure such as the 16th century parish temple, in honor of the Three Wise Men, the main festival. It is derived from the same that January 6 is the patron saint's day of the Holy Kings, with masses, prayers, fireworks, another tourist attraction of the town is the Ex-Agustino Ex-convent that dates back to the 16th century, it is located in the municipal seat.


The "Flower Fair" is celebrated annually, and since 1938 it has been increasing every year; the festivities last nine days and begin on the eve of the first Sunday of Lent. Dances, cockfights, charreadas, parades of floats and processions with the Image of the Lord of the Holy Burial are organized; varieties of azaleas, paintings by local artists, cultural films are exhibited; plays are presented, lectures are given; modern dance groups and traditional dances such as "Los Abanicos" and "Los voladores" perform; music concerts, performances by rondallas, trios, sports tournaments, etc. Fireworks are set off; one of the relevant events is the crowning of the Queen of Flowers by the Governor of the State.

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