San Felipe Teotlalcingo is a municipality with beautiful visual landscapes and where you can contemplate its beautiful panoramic views
San Felipe Teotlalcingo is a municipality in the state of Puebla. The origin of the name means Little Valley of the Gods. It is located in the central region of Puebla. Its main architectural construction is the parish church dedicated to San Felipe Apóstol, which dates back to the 16th century. XVII, located in the municipal seat, of which the patron saint's day is celebrated on May 1, and the carnival is also celebrated between February and March; Another festivity is the simulation of the battle of May 5, 1862, between the Mexican army and the French.
On May 1st, the patron saint's day is celebrated, and between February and March, carnival is also celebrated; another festivity is the simulation of the battle of May 5th, 1862, between the Mexican army and the French. On November 1st and 2nd, the All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day celebration is celebrated, with offerings and floral arrangements in the cemetery. Holy Week, with traditional processions.