The Zócalo of San Felipe Teotlalcingo, the municipal capital, concentrates the main buildings of the population, a meeting point for the population
San Jerónimo Tecuanipan is a municipality in the state of Puebla, the meaning of the town is "where there are wolves and ferocious animals", the characteristic structure of the town is the Church of San Jerónimo, from the 16th century, from which the Patron Saint Festival of San Jerónimo from September 30 to October 4, with masses, dance of the "Tecuanis" and its ferocious tiger.
Patronal Festival of San Jerónimo from September 30 to October 4, with masses, dance of the "Tecuanis" and their ferocious tiger. It is customary to erect sumptuous offerings on November 1 and 2.